Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Wednesday Fast -- Think About It

Steve Wright, of Ladera Ranch Presbyterian Church in California has a blog called "Porch Ponderings."  He had a very nice post about incorporating a Wednesday fast into your weekly routine.  The post originally appeared in February, just in time for Lent.  We're past that at this point...but it's still a good practice.  After all, what is it that you'd be willing to give up to grow closer to our God...the God of the Universe.

Everything We Need

In the sermon yesterday I presented the challenge of a 'Wednesday FAST.' You decide what kind sacrifice you want to make. You can give up a meal (or more), maybe media or anything else you think might be controlling your life. Decide the terms: 3, 6, 12 or 24 hours. Be advised that once you decide: YOU WILL FACE TEMPTATION to go easy on yourself. Stick to your plan and do it out of devotion to the Lord. I was so pleased to see so many people picking up the flyer to take on the challenge on Sunday. Let me encourage you to write about your experience and then drop the paper into the offering basket on Sunday. I'm eager to read about the impact of this 'church wide' fast.

Here's the video we played on Sunday. Makes you think, eh?

Check out Matthew 6 for guidelines on prayer and fasting. Remember the goal is not to show how spiritual you are but rather to be reminded that we do not live by bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God (see what Jesus says in the face of temptation on Matthew 4). You can be sure that I will be praying and fasting right with you on Wednesday! Blessings to you.


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