Tuesday, June 8, 2010

For My Birthday -- A Birthday Hymn

The following was found over at Richard Hall's blog, connexions. Richard is a Methodist Pastor in Wales. The hymn was written by Kim Fabricius and first posted in a blog in September of 2008.

God of all ages, ageless Lord,
whose thoughts are deep, whose love is broad,
we of all ages offer praise
throughout the length of all our days.

We praise you for our wondrous birth,
formed from your breath and blessed earth,
shaped in the womb by your own hand –
miracle! – who can understand?

We praise you for the years of youth,
time to explore the realms of truth,
stretching our muscles and our minds,
testing new models of mankind.

We praise you for our grown-up years,
with their demands, their joys and fears;
taking the world you give in trust,
working to make it fair and just.

We praise you for retiring age,
as we approach life’s final page;
still things to do, still sights to see,
but, most of all, we learn to be.

This is our life, from birth to death,
from infant’s cry to final breath;
this is our life, our gift to you,
who gave it first, who’ll make it new.

(Tune: Ombersley)


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