Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"God of Almighty Love" -- A Hymn (WITH WORMS!)

Charles Wesley Lived Here
Image by bartmaguire via Flickr

This is another Charles Wesley hymn.  Man, that guy wrote a lot.  Check out the "worms" in that last verse

GOD of almighty love, By whose sufficient grace
I lift my heart to things above, And humbly seek thy face;
Through Jesus Christ the Just, My faint desires receive;
And let me in thy goodness trust, And to thy glory live.

Whate'er I say or do, Thy glory be my aim;
My offerings all be offered through The ever-blessed name!
Jesu, my single eye Be fixed on thee alone:
Thy name be praised on earth, on high; Thy will by all be done!

Spirit of faith, inspire My consecrated heart; 
Fill me with pure, Celestial fire, With all thou hast, and art;
My feeble mind transform, And, perfectly renewed, 
Into a saint exalt a worm, A worm exalt to God!

Gotta' love the worm reference.  That's so 18th Century, but I like it.
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