Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Show Me the Money!

Holding on to the MoneyImage by BenSpark via FlickrI have a lot of economic/consumerism/money ideas, bits of blogs, and quotes that have been floating around in my blog drafts...assuming that I was going to get to them someday.  Well, this week I hope to post some of them.  These are issues I struggle with.  These are issues on my mind.  Why?

  • I want things.
  • I'm a consumer.
  • I'm a slave to advertising like others.  
  • I like my money.  
  • We're planning a Financial Peace University class for our church and community this fall.  
  • I'm getting to an age where these are concerns for me. 
  • I have a mortgage.  
  • I wonder about kid's college costs.  
  • I have a car I need to pay down.
  • The church I pastor is trying to build and not sink in debt.
  • My wallet's in my back pocket.
  • And I'm a Christian, trying to navigate these muddy waters.

So be prepared for some economic thought over the next several days as I grapple with some of this and share some of what I've found.

Show Me The Money
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