Saturday, May 8, 2010

5 out of 6 Changes Made to This Blog in 4 days

On Tuesday I said I was going to try to do the following:
  1. Clean up the Twitter Stream at the top to show only the most recent tweet. 
  2. Add some more social widgets.
  3. Fix the pages in the upper right side of the page.
  4. Put in a tag cloud.
  5. Play with the widgets at the bottom of the page.
  6. Abbreviate the post so it's not so long on the first page.
Today this list would look like this:
  1. Clean up the Twitter Stream at the top to show only the most recent tweet.   (Installed Twitter widget to the right.  It's far down there.)
  2. Add some more social widgets.
  3. Fix the pages in the upper right side of the page.
  4. Put in a tag cloud.
  5. Play with the widgets at the bottom of the page.
  6. Abbreviate the post so it's not so long on the first page.
I'm happy with the way this is working out.  I'm just wondering if I can keep up the number of these post.  These suckers take some time.


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