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Been doing some thinking about TRANSFORMATION in life...not only because I want to see some changes in my life and ministry (as I think I always should)...but also because the people I'm in ministry with and the people I'm friends with are at places in their lives where they are questioning marriages, jobs, how they're raising children, their finances, etc. It's part of life. It's part of growing up and growing older and having your friends and your relationships do the same. And it's partly due to the economic situation in which we find ourselves these days.I know a lot of persons who are UNSATISFIED, who are UNFULFILLED, who are UNHAPPY, or who are just stuck in a RUT and they KNOW it. They long for a "resurrection..." a transformation...a change.
So, it is with interest that I read "Turn the Ministry You Have Into the Ministry You Want" over at The Gospel Coalition. The blog post By Dr. David Murray of Puritan Reformed Seminary takes from the Harvard Business Review an article called "Turn the Job You Have Into the Job You Want." It's originally by Yale Professor Amy Wrzesniewski and I think it's more than a "when life gives you lemons make lemonade" philosophy of life. It's more than looking at your present (perhaps hopeless or unsatisfying) job or situation with rose-colored glasses. It's about actually transforming your present situation into something different...not just pretending that it's different or pretending that the bad stuff of your situation isn't there.
When looking at a job, Wrzesniewski says try changing one of these three things:
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